You're So Handsome When I'm All Over Your Mouth... - silly_funky_guy (2024)

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the abandoned ghost town of Cold Oak. The air was thick with the scent of decay and the remnants of an intense battle. Dean knelt beside the lifeless body of his baby brother, the overwhelming silence broken only by his ragged breaths and the distant call of a mourning dove.

Dean couldn’t take this. He stared at his brother's face, pale and lifeless, a stark contrast to his vibrant little brother who had stood beside him through countless hunts and battles. The blood-soaked ground beneath Sam was only a cruel testament to the violence that had taken him away.

“Sammy…” Dean’s voice was a broken whisper that was barely audible, his hands trembling as he cradled his baby brother’s head. Tears streamed down his face without him even knowing, cutting through the grime and blood splattered on him from the rain and his little brothers body.

A part of Dean still couldn't believe it. Just moments ago, he had seen Sam walk up to him, hopeful and relieved to see his big brother there, only for it to be snatched away as fast as it started. And now… now Sam was gone. The ache in Dean's chest was unbearable, a physical manifestation of his grief and guilt. He couldn’t take it.

“I’m so sorry, Sammy,” Dean choked out, his voice cracking. “I should’ve been faster, stronger… I should’ve protected you.”

Dean’s mind started to race with memories. Sam’s laugh, his stubborn determination, the way he always tried to find a way to save everyone, even if it meant putting himself in danger. Even his adorable little puppy dog eyes, that were now starting through him, completely lifeless. The thought of facing a world without his brother was more terrifying than any monster they had ever hunted.

The sun continued its descent in the sky, it now darkening to a deep blue. Dean knew he had to move, had to get Sam back to the Impala and off this filthy ground. But his body refused to cooperate, frozen in place by the weight of his sorrow. He stayed there, holding his baby brother, as if his touch could somehow bring him back.

Hours passed, and the night grew colder. Dean finally mustered the strength to move, lifting Sam’s body with a gentleness that even Dean didn’t think he was capable of. He carried his brother to the Impala, laying him carefully in the back seat. It felt wrong, so horribly wrong, to see Sam like this.

Dean made his way into the front seat when he saw Bobby out of the side of his eye. The older man was panting, obviously exhausted from his chase after Jake, or whatever the hell his name was. When he finally got to the impala it only took one look at Dean for him to frown deeply and take his seat in the passenger seat, deciding that it would be best to stay quiet for now.

The drive back to Bobby’s was a blur. Dean’s hands gripped the steering wheel with white-knuckled intensity, his eyes flicking constantly to the rearview mirror, where Sam’s body lay lifeless, half covered with Dean’s favorite leather jacket. He drove through the night, the Impala’s headlights cutting through the darkness like a knife.

After what felt like many hours, Bobby finally spoke up, his voice soft and comforting. “I think its time we take a break from driving, Dean…there’s a building over there we can rest in, and I could finally try to get some service.” Dean didn’t answer, he didn’t have the strength to, so he decided to pull over into the overgrown grass and weeds instead, not wanting to argue with Bobby.

When Dean finally turned off the headlights to the impala, he noticed the first light of dawn was breaking over the horizon. Bobby was already getting out of the car, giving one more solemn look to Sam’s body in the backseat and to Dean’s numb, tear-stricken face.

“Dean…” Bobby’s voice trailed off as he finally saw the full look in Dean’s eyes in the pale light of the sunrise. He knew. Without another word, he helped Dean carry Sam inside and rest him on a dusty old mattress, the two men moving with a shared sorrow that spoke volumes.

When they finally set him down again, Dean took a step back to stand by the door, his eyes never leaving his baby brothers still form. Bobby placed a hand on his shoulder, offering silent support. Dean couldn’t even really bring himself to appreciate it right now.

“I’m gonna call Ellen and the others if I can get a signal,” Bobby said quietly. “They’ll want to know.”

Dean nodded numbly, his mind barely registering the words. He felt like he was in a nightmare, one he couldn’t wake up from. As Bobby left the building to go look for a signal, Dean sank into a chair beside the old dusty bed, his head in his hands.

“Why, Sammy?” Dean murmured, his voice filled with anguish. “Why’d you have to go and leave me?”

Dean could feel his heart shattering more and more, his chest tightening and ears ringing. He couldn’t take this, he couldn’t. He couldn’t live in a world without his brother. His baby brother. That was just impossible. He shook as he finally stood up again, green eyes locked onto the soft face of his brother. God, Sam was so pretty. Even when dead he made Deans heart flutter, even when it broke at the same time.

“Sammy…. please…. why?” Dean didn’t know why he was now begging for a response he knew he wasn’t going to get.

He choked back a sob as he reached his hand out to touch Sam’s now cold face, hazel eyes staring blankly up into green.

He couldn’t take this.

Dean leaned down to capture his baby brothers bluing lips with his own, whining out some kind of noise that he couldn’t tell was a moan or a sob. He had always wanted to do this, from the second he saw Sam in the hospital wrapped up in their mothers’ arms, a sleepy expression etched onto his tiny face. “This is your baby brother, Dean. His name is Sam…you’re gonna have to take good care of him, okay?” Mary had said softly, moving the newborn in her arms to face Dean more.

If only their mother saw them now. For once, Dean was happy she wasn’t here to see this.

Dean moved his lips against the soft, cold ones of his brother, more noises finding their way up his throat. It felt so good to finally do this, so why was he crying more? Why did this still feel worse than death? He finally broke the weak kiss to trail his lips down Sam’s jaw and neck, working one of his calloused hands under Sam’s coat to slip it off and onto the floor, causing a big cloud of dust to puff up.

He was sick, he knew he was. He knew it when he finally couldn’t convince himself anymore that this was just normal brotherly love. When he was getting kicked out of girls’ beds for moaning the name of his little brother instead.

God, he was so so sick.

Dean had never been a religious man, far from it in fact, but he still couldn’t help what came out of his mouth next, for if there was a God, he would need a f*ck ton of forgiveness. “God…please forgive me.” He mumbled against his baby brothers’ neck before he finally bit in, digging his teeth into the juncture between Sam’s neck and shoulder. The metallic taste of his baby brother’s blood filled his mouth as he just kept pushing his canines in deeper, tears falling down his cheeks and dripping onto Sam’s neck and collar. He tasted so good that Dean couldn’t help it.

He couldn’t take this.

He pulled away just enough to start stripping Sam fully, unbuttoning and slipping off the old flannel that used to be his, along with Sam’s white undershirt, both joining his jacket on the dusty floor. Last was Sam’s jeans and underwear, that Dean slid off his long legs and onto the floor as well, pressing messy bloody kisses into the inside of his baby brothers’ thighs. He smelled so good. He tasted so good.

God, Dean really couldn’t take this.

Dean was on Sam in an instant, hands roaming and tears spilling. “Gonna make you feel so good, baby brother….don’t you worry..gonna make you feel so good.” Dean continued to mutter and sob against Sams skin, his fingers coming up to slip between his brothers’ blue lips. It was still wet in his mouth and Dean made sure to use every little bit of Sams spit to lube up his fingers, only pulling them out when he thinks they’re wet enough. “I won’t hurt you…I’ll be so gentle…” Dean whispers, tongue lapping up some of the blood pooling from his earlier bite.

He trailed his fingers down his baby brothers’ body until he finally got to his hole, circling one of his fingers before finally pushing in. Dean couldn’t help but groan, more tears spilling out of his eyes as he pushed his finger all the way in, pumping it in and out of his little brother’s body as he ripped a small bit of flesh off the bite, swallowing it along with a mouthful of blood. God, he tasted so good.

Maybe Dean could have him forever if he was able to taste him forever. If he was able to have him inside of him forever.
Dean’s bites and licks started to turn more brutal as he f*cked his baby brother’s corpse on his fingers, slipping the other two in easily as he starts to tear off more flesh with his teeth, until Sams shoulder

barely looked like a shoulder anymore. It’s messy with blood and ripped flesh, flashes of muscle and fat showing between the glistening deep red of the liquid. Dean couldn’t stop.

He couldn’t take it.

He wanted his brother with him forever.

After what felt like forever, Dean pulled out his fingers and roughly tugged off his belt and his pants, slipping them down to his mid-thigh. He quickly lubed up his co*ck with blood and spit before lining himself up with his brothers’ hole, pushing in after a choked out, “I’m sorry, Sammy…”

Nothing could’ve prepared Dean for how good it felt being inside of his little brother. He was tight and just the right amount of warm still, and it felt so much better than any woman or man Dean had ever been with up until this point. He couldn’t help the moan that punched itself from his gut, bottoming out within a minute of first pushing into Sam. “f*ck…you feel so good, Sammy…” He panted, his eyes making their way to the glazed over ones of his brothers, the look sending a sick rush of blood to his co*ck.

After a second of just enjoying how good Sam felt, Dean decided to move, pulling out slowly to push in harsh, making the limp body of his brother jostle around on the dirty mattress. Dean tried to keep his hands on Sam’s hips to keep him steady, his mouth finding its way back up to its previous feasting spot. He continued to ravish Sams neck and shoulders, even down to his chest a little, leaving every area looking as if a pack of starving wolves attacked him.

The layers of skin and pools of blood were starting not to be enough anymore though, and as Dean started to pick up the pace of his thrusts, he grabbed his knife out of the pocket of his jeans, flipping it open and stabbing it into Sam’s naval. He cut downward through his brothers’ bellybutton, stopping right above where Sam’s co*ck hung limply between his legs.

Within seconds Dean’s hands were in his brothers’ body along with his co*ck, pulling on organs and tugging them up to meet his lips. He needed Sam. He needed this. He gagged and sobbed as he started to devour anything his could get his gore-stained hands on, licking the blood on his hands and wrists off like he just had the best burger of his life. He used his knife to cut through parts he couldn’t chew on his own, stuffing his mouth full of his brother until he was sure he was going to be sick.

Dean’s pace started to become erratic, his breathing heavy and the taste of his brother heavy on his tongue. He moaned as he cut open Sam’s stomach and felt the acid burn his skin. He moaned as he broke a few of his baby brothers’ ribs to shove his hand through, trying to find his heart. And he moaned, when he finally got his hand on his heart. He ripped and tore at it until it finally gave in, slipping out of Sams chest and up into the cool air, right next to Deans face.

He took a bite.

His pace got sloppy and messy, the sound of skin on skin and squelching echoed throughout the abandoned building, and the feeling of the tough muscle of his brother’s heart breaking beneath his teeth made him break.

He couldn’t take this.
His hips stuttered as he let out a half sob-half cry, his noise muffled by the muscle and blood in his mouth. His cum splashed up and over the mess that he had made of his baby brothers’ organs, mixing with his blood to make a pretty pink color.

After what felt like hours, Dean finally came down from his high, panting heavily and looking down at the disgusting disarray that used to be his beautiful baby brother. Sam was practically unrecognizable at this point, face and hair matted in blood and torso cut open and chewed like some kind of dog toy.

Dean instantly felt sick with himself, especially when he saw his own cum cooling over his baby brothers’ organs. He pulled himself out of Sam as if he had burned him before leaning over and vomiting all over the floor, chunks of his brother falling out along with whatever he had for dinner last night.

He had to clean this up before Bobby came back. He had to. So, with that, Dean picked himself back up and forced himself to bury his baby brother, as hard as that was. He picked what was left of Sam up into his arms and held him, looking into those blank puppy dog eyes one more time.

After a while, Sam was buried and Bobby was back, walking in through the front door with a sh*t ton of fast food. “I’m sorry it took so long for me to come back, I grabbed some food while I was out though, I thought you might be hungry.” Bobby hummed, setting the bags down on the table in front of Dean.

“Thank you, but I already ate.”

You're So Handsome When I'm All Over Your Mouth... - silly_funky_guy (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.