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- The Miami Heraldi
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2-C tHt Minml hfcnxLD Fritiay August 12 i49 Planning Needed Now Congestion Hurts City Traffic Director Warns Experts Call B-36 Perfect A-Bomber i LeMay and Kenney Tell Probers Plane Can Hit Anywhere in World By United Pres WASHINGTON Gens Curtis LeMay and George Kenney the top experts on strategic bombing told Congress Thursday the B-36 superbomber is an almost perfect atom-bomb carrier and that Russia has no defenses against it They testified before the Armed Services committee which dsion to scrap the 65000-is nyestigating rumors that tm carrier th uss United States political pressure prompted the de- and make the BJ6 the The men who build Miami heard Thursday that the growth will be arrested if traffic congestion eased Earl Reeder city director of and transportation told steps which he termed essential Herald Stall Photo BARGAIN HUNTERS flocked into Miami groceries Thursday as a week-old price war continued Above are -sortie' of the customers who crowded into one store to buy sugar at 19 cents for five pounds Butter eggs bacon coffee canned milk com on the cob and other items were marked1 down' to new lows How long the war will last is anybody's guess but while it's on the buyers are having fun PERSONALS NURSE WITH comfortable none will care for patients Ph 4-0369 DRESSMAKING alterations 1M 46th St Ph 78-9022 FACIAL plastic surgery Hours 2-4 139 8 3rd 8t Dr Deederer RAMSEY nursing home Shady grounds Ph 7-5732 iiXLDRUM epts $25 West Ave tSX up monthly Ph 9-0060 I ARE YOU OVERWEIGHT? WE correct your condition with no diet no exei-ise Write for free Information Boa R-93 Herald CIVIL MARRIAGES performed any hour in my noma by appointment Ph 3-5879 4 SPENCER corsets 723 6eybold Bldg Helen' Smith Mgr Ph 3-6997 FREE shampo- and set Mon-thru Fri 9 a only Low cost beautv service all day LaFranca Beauty School 49 10th St PARALYTIC Nervous and Invalids taken care ol Ph 4-6306' BLOOD tests for Marriage Health cards injections General Practice Message dept colonies etc 318 Sevbold Bldg Ph 3-3435 INVISIBLE Reweaving Mending In all clothing etc 1-day service All work quaranteed Mall orders Pickup and delivery Re-Weavlt 1762 8W 14th Ter Ph 9-3313 ALMA MODISTE Dressmskine alterations 3195 5th St LOVELY home invalid elderly people best of care Private Reasonable Ph 3-7352 collect that money owed you? Sell your debts to us for cash Phone Miss Richards 5-9003 ELECTROCOAGULATION 1500 halra removed in 1 hour safely permanently Ph 58-5221 or 58-1013 -f AVON GIFTED Life reader and adviser 25 years experience I tell your to convince you I can read the uture I give you names of friends and enemies also advise on busi- ness and love affairs I claim to do miracles I challenge anyone for the truth and correct reading of one's life Guaranteed readings 3872 36th 8t Take build or 30 get off at 38th Ave third building left Separate room for colored Open dally and Sunday 19 a to 9 Closed Sat FOR ADVICE on problems write Box 4767 Miami Confidential AT LAST A NATURAL PORTRAIT OF A Statesman Sincere True -We Seek a Peaceful World A Prosperous World: A Free World A World of Good Neighbors Living on Terms of Equality and Mutual The American Guidance Bureau 304 Lincoln Road Miami Beach Fla (Office 10) Telephones: 58-7022 Oi I 5-0071 (Residence) Requests cheerfully and gratefully accepted either way and delivered by mail or in cerson in due time as tne occassion may demand Therw are three size Portraits: Large: Medium: and Small The Large is: 23 30 and the small alse is: f4 12V The large sells for ($100) and the small size sells for (50) Jane Morley Temple of Spiritual Guidance Interviews In or out Fh 4-6685 4 RETARDED CHILDREN -SPECIAL attention Academic sub-lects speech Music Ph in charge Booklet Boarding Schools Austin Tessa SEND stamped self-addressed large size envelope for free pattern Box 1966 Miami 36 i RELIABLE competent lady will take care of children during day Pleasant surroundings Ph 68-4998 Miami Springs MOTHERS We have larte clean happy home best of home cooked food lot your children Room for you if desired Ph 83-6517 Psychic Consultant LONG Readings Btsiness Financial Vocations Love Affairs etc Solutions to perplexing Problems Leon-ardson Studio 1970 27th Ave Bus 15 18 to door Ph 2-2890 or 48-9060 4 8TORE your smell piano with us for use of our daughter a Junior in High School best of care no other children Rev Marlin 85 49th St i i BETTY please write address will not follow Bin ATTRACTIVE hall for banquet -parties business conventions Ideal location Reasonable rental Ph 78-5184 4 SPENCER Corsets 25 years experience Grace Hoffman Ph 7-0395 AVERAGE 9x12 kitchen done for $999 plus enamel Careful and expert Jack Trades Fh 78-1559 CHILDREN back to school dresses made lor $150 Ph 7-7956 4 1- SHARE home with parent with baby or child Near school Caro for child if wanted Reasonable Ph 48-4934 -4- 4- Psychic Complete life readings $2 WHY be unhappy? You can bo helped formost psychic will call you by name tell you what you wish to know without asking questions give never failing adviso on all matters of love business health etc See me today tomorrow may be too late Bus 14 to door Ph 7-3160 2118 62nd ST OPEN 9 a to 8:30 Closed Mon 4 1 APT IN exchange for housekeeping services Ph 48-6535 4 COMPLETE care of child room far mother Ph 89-1960 SPIRITUAL message service Thurs 8 8un 3 Rev Smlthl 89-3510 1304 40th St Ph WE BRONZE baby shoes $3 95 per pair Mounted also Ph 78-5294 I 4 BOARD and care for child beautiful private home room for working parents Ph 4-4323 DRE8SMAKINO alterations pleating tucking shirring a-1 trimmings Made on premises 1389 8th St Fh 82-7133 WILL room parent end give child board day and night care washing $15 Ph 4-5405 4- tew It Ph 89-8934 4 4- ARE YOU OVERWEIOHT? 1 Hour reducing treatments $100 1242 Washington Ave MR 4 MOTHERS vou can dress your daughter designers' discontinued samples at sacrifice Room 113 1415 2nd Ave 4 4 MOTHER and daughter share nica home with couple Ph 48-8769 BABY sitter middle ace Some prartlcal nursing References Ph 48-6769 4 i home Semi-Invalids Ph 4-7480 4- OPPORT UNITY for a licensed salesman or bicker to manage old esw tablished Real Estate office during owner's absence Partnership If de-slreable Box T-64 Herald MAKE your party a success co*cktails and Call Bob and Sam 83-4950 6 FUNERAL DIKECTI0NS fe (mm iltDfii? QJmCTTD i-tJtti-r MOUTHSlDf MOtTuAKY tftfNE AVE PHONE JS797 SOUTMWtST mofTvAtr 192? aT-- st PHONE 97 86 3i i acri i ONLY tm Funeral L- 4 841b It it Usee yea KSXTUASY lautniv AKD CEtSFTEXY FASSJYI a IIM MUs 17 chief long-range war weapon LeMay former chief of the Berlin airlift who replaced Kenney as head of the Strategic Air Command last October said bluntly: superbomber groups under my command can take off from here and bomb any target you want us to I doubt if an enemy would ever know it was there until the bomb LeMay said he would take full responsibility as the chief advocate of expanding B-36 production I am called upon to he said expect to be in the first one (B-36) He did not refer to Russia specifically but the fact he had Moscow mind was evidenced by a letter he wrote Gen Hoyt Vanden-berg chief of air staff last February lie said then that bombers able to reach targets in were needed urgently LeMay and Kenny agreed that no nation has a fighter that can intercept the B-36 at night but LeMay disagreed with Kenneys statement that the sn-per boni her could be shot down easily in daytime Kenney who once recommended cancelling all B-36 orders because he thought the plane was too slow and full of said he has changed his mind and now believes it is vastly superior to any other bomber in flight Both' generals paid tribute to the high-flying ability which takes it above the range of antiaircraft guns and most jet fighters An Air Force memorandum disclosed that one superbomber equipped with four jet engines reached 47700 feet last March and went- even higher on a flight last month a Rep James Van Zandt Pennsylvania Republican a naval reserve captain who first brought up the about the B-36 asked opinion of the F2H Banshee night fighter which is scheduled to join the fleet next year Kenney said a B-36 interceptor is still five years away Van Zandt then noted that some British experts have said the British Vampire jet lighter could climb to 56000 feet Vampire will intercept the B-36 at Kenney insisted Kenney said a fast fighter could the B-36 on a day with by LeMay disagreed LeMay was asked whether there had been any evidence of influence by Floyd Odium president of Consolidated Vultee Co and a heavy Democratic campaign contributor in the B-36 program LeMay replied That was one of the brought up originally by Van Zandt The congressman said the Air Force so far has a good but that he consideres it nothing more than a Woman Hurt As Her Purse Is Snatched A 62-year-old woman was in jured early Thursday when a man snatched her purse with such force that she was knocked sprawling on the sidewalk Mrs Jeanette Sclioeniaker of 129 12th st told police she was walking near her home shortly after midnight when a man slipped up behind her said and grabbed her purse so violently that the strap over her arm broke and she fell The thief fled with the purse containing about $14 she said Mrs Schoemaker was taken to Jackson Memorial hospital for treatment of abrasions on her heac and bruises on her arms and legs She police an automobile oassed just the robbery occurred but the occupants ignored her and drove bn Remodeled Bank Has Open House The newly-remodeled Little River Bank and Trust Co Second ave add 80th ter held open house Thursday Samples were given all comers but it was orange juice Executive Vice President Richard Boggs said several hundred persons thronged the bank to see its improvements and inspect the enlarged vaults Brief-Case Size Information BATES LINY EES WfT Sion ACour Flats 1 I 1 1 3 I 4 5 i i i S9 Per Oar t3rl3SrlTrHTeHTcl2TcMdl9r 14 PT 18 PT 8AMX RATS 4 lines ordinary tw 24 PT SAMS RATS 6 lines ordinary typo SAMS RATE as 7 Jlnes typ Natlqpal Advertising Rates These rates apply to advsrtlse-ments smanatlns from outsids the state of Florida No reduction for consecutive insertions Minimum chane 76c Ordinary type 38c per line per day Lisht Face Capa 57c par line per dav the event ol anj error In an advertisem*nt on the part of the publisher it will furnish the advertiser a letter so worded as to publisher ah Ueved from responsibility thereof The Herald win not be responsible for mors than one incorrect tnsegion Mlaqii Herald reserve the LSK Ml classification of any advertisem*nt from that ordered to conform to the policy of this paper TELEPHONE t-3711 For your convenience Classified Advertising Bills paid at any of thesa antbortssd stations: SOUTH MIAMI Modeme Pharmacy No 3 Rod tuudBRoadComer COBAl CABLES Ben Paint Hardware Oo 3613 Ponce de Leon Boulevard COCONUT GXOYB Sundries 3436 Main Highway Live Let Uvs Drus BtotW 3520 17th Ave Marlon Drug Corporation 1701 Coral Way Penn Drug Company 728 37th Ave Shaw's Pharmacy Inc 3650 Flagler 8L HIALEAH 3o DEATH NOTICES WADE HAMPTON SMITH Funeral services will he held 4 today at Ben Lanier Chapel Interment Flagler Memo- -rial Park JULIUS MOSS Of 1334 Washington ave in a Miami Beach hospital on Aug 11 Beloved husband of Hannah of dear brother of Nat Moss Chicago and the late Anthony Moss Mr Moss a former resident of New York City had resided at the beach for the past 16 years The remains accompanied by Mrs Moss will be sent Sat morning to New York City for services at the Riverside Memorial Chapel 76th and Amsterdam on Monday Aug 15th at 10 a Interment Malmonides Elmont JAMES ELMER TROTTER Age 85 of 18X3 7th St Kassed away Thursday in a local ospital following a lingering illness A resident of Miami for the past 13 years coming here from Indianapolis Indiana Mr Trotter retired in 1929 after serving 20 years as manager of the Buick Motor Car Factory in Indianapolis Indiana Members of Jackson Lodge No 24 and A of Centerville Iowa Scottish Rite Bodies and Murat Shrine Temple of Indianapolis Christian Church charter member and one of the founders of the Indianapolis Athletic Club Survived by 3 nephews -Morris Trotter Richmond Hights Mo Alfred Hurst Boston Mass Shirley Johnson Roosevelt Okla 1 niece Mrs Ruby Ford Roosevelt Okla Arrangements will be announced by Gerhardt Funeral Home FUNERAL DIRECTIONS MIAMI'S OLDEST CITY-WIDE COMPLETE MORTUARY SERVICE 1539 2nd AVe Combs Service Costs No Mora OFTEN LESS WALTER AND JACK Combs Funeral Home Ph 3-2101 FLORISTS EXOTIC GARDENS INC FLOWERS FOR AIL OCCASIONS Flagler at Bridge Ph 2-0519 Beach on Lincoln Rd Ph 5-2961 2790 Ave Ph 2-3105 Fort Lauderdale Ph 2-7562 LOST AND FOUND LOST Boxer female Brlndle Pup from 2251 51st Ter Fh 88-5384 Reward 4 I LOST Small drawer probably No Miami Ave or vicinity Ph 4-6617 2-0868 LOST Blue parrakeet Nwma Reward Ph 48-5556 4 LOST Gold charm bracelet In front Miami Beach City Hall Reward Ph 86-7266 4 LOST co*cker Spaniel puppies 1 blond 1 red strayed from Palm Island vicinity liberal reward Ph 5-7697 4 1 LOST Small brown dog vicinity 13th and Alton Part Dachshund and Beagle Answers to name Punch Ph 58-4898 9-7797 LOST or adrift In Dumfound-land Bay or Upper Bay One 18 32 or 34 barge painted gray Please notify Suniy Isles Boat Works phone collect Nr Dade 3164 4 LOST Aquamarine and topaz bracelet Part of matched set Vicinity 23rd St and the beach Reward Ph 86-1727 -4- LOST Coban license and other papers In parking lot on -Collins and 73rd St Please call 78-5145 LOST Blue wallet change purse near 41st St return papers Laura Shapiro Fh 58-0656 I 4 LOST Pox Terrier male fawn and white Vaccination No 56121 Reward Fh 48-7026 4 4- LOST Gold snake chain bracelet Reward Ph 4-1440 after 6 LEGAL NOTICES Notice of intenuon to register in compliance with House Bill No 1176 Chapter No 20953 Laws of Florida 1941 4 4 THE AERO-VOICE Co 255 9th 8t Hialeah Owner A Richardson Co Owner Dexter Richmond SOFT water service 6040 Blscsyne Blvd Miami owned by Lowell Gardner and Mathew Carr TONI Lord Gift Shop 2240 8th St sole owner Sydney Moss 4 HOME Sales Service Co 140 1st Ave Room 211 Jerome Levin owner PAK 5055 8th St owners: Samuel Figur Duke Shaw 4 ENCANTO originals 2306 36th St Owner Encanto Creations Inc 1 WILL not be responsible for any debts other than those incurred by myself Turk 17- PERSONALS TRADE your old camera lor tne new Polaroid camera Finished pictures in a minute Allapattah Camera Hobby Shop 3464 17th Ave Ph 3-9240 UPHOLSTERING expertly done Free estimates Ph 82-6544 BLOOD TESTS for marrtsge and health cards Penicillin tieatment for blood diseases and iniec tions 2619 12tb St Ph 4-9808 ELECTROLYSIS Hair removed by hl-speed automatic safety ma-chlne Ph 6-7118 or 5-0500 6PIRELLA Corsetlers Hilsheimer 418 48th St Ph 78-6349 4 HOME owners We manufacture SUPREME the finest underground garbage receiver ever made Low price fre installation Lander Ph 78-4541 4 BUSINESS COUNSELORS OUR BUSINESS advise may sae you financial loss and worry Capital available FIRST TRADING CO 27 8 1st Ave Ph 82-0297 WE HAUL your trash Phone 2-8595 A TRUE MEDIUM-3917 NW 22nd Ave to efficient use of present thoroughfares: -A city-wide street marking project similar to -that under way on Seventh ave( which would in many cases provide new lanes of traffic 'to guide drivers during peak hours 2 Re-alignment of sighal lights to maintain a steadier tiow through busy- intersections such as the three-way arrangement at Biscayne blvd and 55th ter Increasing restrictions on street parking on major north-south and east-west arteries 4 Better regulation of pedestrian traffic More use of busses which would cut the volume of traffic and also the problems of downtown parking Reeder pointed that 'Miami traffic has skyrocketed 54 per cent in the past two years the potential load capacity of our streets is exactly the same as it was many years ago when there was -almost a negligible amount of he said One dire need Reeder stressed I know this one will take a very long is uniformity In street widths Some bottlenecks can be taken care of now however such as the short stretch on' S' First rt between Second and Third aves he stated Another not-so-costly project which would solve a big problem Reeder asserted is a' proposal to rip out the circle at the Boulevard and 13th st and install a network of chop to handle the uptown downtown crosstown and Beach traffic which converges at that point Some downtown streets notably Second Third and Fourth sts must be opened to allow continuous movement' north and south across the Florida Coast tracks Earned Fare Girl Buglers Of Minnesota Here It- takes a lot of money to send a 35-member drum and bugle corps from St Cloud Minn to Miami And no one is more aware of that fact than those 35 girls earned their own fare They are members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary drum corps and their one ambition in the last year was to get to Miami So for months between -drill sessions they have been about the state earning money to pay their way The girls have played at community functions staged dances performed at ball games and put on tag days has been 13 years since St Cloud has sent any drum corps or band to a national Veterans of Foreign Wars said a recent article in The St Cloud Daily Times time the girls want to advertise St Clgud to all the world In Miami Car Embezzler Sent To Georgia Lucius Quarterman 29-year-old Negro charged with embezzling an automobile Thursday was given a suspended sentence in Criminal court on condition he return to his home in Georgia The charge was made by the Vench Equipment Co 2222 Second ave LEGAL NOTICES STREET SIGNS The town of West Miami will enter into a negotiable contract for street signs Phone 83-6091 for information Peter Palermo Mayor Harry Lord Clerk -I CALL FOR BIDS WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENTS Sealed bids will be received by the City Council of the City of Opa-locka Florida at 8 pm EST Thursday August 25 1949 and publicly opened and read' for constructing Improvements to the municipal water works including the following: Item A Extension of Distribution System Furnish all labor and equip--ment and Install cast iron bell and spigot pipe and galvanized steel pipe and appurtenances in the following approximate quantities: of 2450 of 6" 8i60 of CI pipe and 20 8a0 of galvanized steel pipe and certain appurten-- arces such as fittings valves and hydrants The foregoing materials have been pur chased oy the City and will be furnished to the Con- tractor Item tiiouud Storage Reservoir Furnish all materials labor and equipment and construct a concrete circular ground stoiage reservoir 200000 gal-Ion capacity 40'- diameter high Item to Building Fur- nish all materials labor and equipment and construct a CbSj addition to existing water plant building by 22 two stories The above Iiems may be bid sep- aratel and In combination bce Bid bond or certified check payable to citv of Opa-iocica to accompany the bid Bids received after the spec a led time and date will not be considered Plans specifications and proposal forms may be obtained irom the City Clerk City Hall Opa-locka Florida by contractors upon depositing $10 for each set which win be returned to bidders non-bidaers be refunded $5 for each set returned in good con- -dition within ten days after contracts are awarded A- set may be examined at his office without charge Contractors will- be required to pay prevailing wages as shown in the specifications No biddei may withdraw his bid for a period of 30 days after the date set for the opening thereof The City Council reserves the right to waive Informalities in any bid to reject any or all bids and to accept the bids which in its judg- ment win be tor the best interests of the City of Opa-locka Wm' Syuow Consulting Engineer Arnold City Clerk ANNOUNCEMENTS DEATH NOTICES MARY LAFFEY BUDD Age 70 of 811 Santiago Coral Gables Aug 11th She is survived by her husband Clifford a well-known Miami realtor who recently associated with Donald Peck Services 8:30 Sat at Van Orsdel Southwest Mortuary 1923 8th St the Professional Engineers Asso- elation 6f South Florida after a dinner meeting in the Seven Seas restaurant that little something can be done with existing facilities? But he predicted an unless long-range pro- ects are soon spade-worked Reeder called for these interim State Health Work Told The state health department aboratory In Miami runs more than 300000 tests annually in a fight to keep communicable diseases Under control Bacteriologist Vincent Sorrono said Work-of the 1 laboratory has almost doubled in three years members of the Miami Rotary club were told at their luncheon in the Columbus hotel Telling of the exacting work Sorrono said at least two or three tests are run independently each specimen "We cannot afford to make he said The laboratory now is assisting in a study of the pollution of Biscayne bay from raw sewage In response to a question Sorrono said fish taken from the bay and river are safe to eat there is any doubt in your mind put the fish in the freezing compartment of your refrigerator for 24 Sorrono said That will dd the trick usually are cooked too so the heat will destroy most anything and make them safe' Many Cubans Plan To Visit Fete At Beach 1 Assurances of large Cuban representation in the Miami Beach observance of Cuba day Aug 20 were brought back from Havana Wednesday by Mayor Harold Turk During his two-day visit in the Cuban capital Mayor Turk issued formal- invitations tq President Carlos Prio Socarras Dr Jose Diaz Garrido president of the city coupcil of Havapa Col Jose Manuel Carames chief of the national police department Dr Segundo Curti Rlessina minister: of defense Antonio Varona prime minister the Cuban cabinet and Gov Francisco Batista Zaldivar of the province of Havana 5 All gave assurances Mayor Turk said that they will attend the Cuba day ceremonies or would be represented by aides 1 Mayor Turk had as traveling companions on his return Maj Luis de Varona Loredo inspector general of -the central di vision of the Cuban police and Dr" Jose Hernandez Escudero aide to Col Carames The visitors here to attend' a dinner of the Dade County Police Chiefs association were welcomed at the International airport by Miami Police Chief Walter Headley They will accompany Chief Headley to Jacksonville today for the annual softball game between the Miami and Jacksonville police departments Accompanying Mayor Turk' on the goodwill trip to Havana were C- Kimball chairman of -the Cuba Day committee on arrangements for the Council of Miami Beach sponsors of the event George Mitchell of the Miami Beach Chamberfof Commerce and Oscar Romaguera of the Latin American division of the Miami Beach news bureau Miami Body Found Almost five years tb the day after he was reported missing in action over France parents of Lt Malcolm MacDonald Mr and Mrs Nathan Weltzr 152 SE Third st were notified Thurs 'day that' his body has been per manently buried in the St Laurent cemetery at Calva dos They received i ultaneously a United States LT MacDOXALD flag which was draped over his coffin during the military burial Lt MacDonald was pilot' of a B-26 bomber shot down over Marines' France en route back to England from a raid on Adam ammunition dump He went down with his plane and his body was not found until recently Mrs Weltz paid tribute to Army authorities for their and since her son was reported lost He is survived also by a brother Donald of Santa Barbara' Cal' and a sister Mrs Gordon Ridge of Nashville Tenn Rites Planned Rabbi Pizer Jacobs of the Hebrew Union College at Cincin nati will Conduct the service at Temple Isaiah reform Jewish con gregation of Miami Beach at 1065 Dade blvd tonight at 8:15 Divorce Decrees AYVAS Pantei from Helen BELL Carolyn from James BRADY Evangeline 'J from Louis Paul BROOKE John A Jr from Marion COLVIN Eleanor Reiss from Reubin William CURCI Mary Madeline from Joseph FERGUSON Leon from Ruby FERNANDEZ Caridad Manduley from Ramon FISHER Moe from Fred sc HALE Muriel from Hobart KAMINSKY Jean Ann from Edward Adolph PACE Anna Iris from James Close PARKER Essie May from David SCHWARTZ Marceline Julie Guidry from William STARR Manuels Santiesteban Soto from Virgil Lester TARPEY Isabe'le from Edward Jos ThIbODO Ruth from Noel RHAN William Richard from Anna Lee Divorce Petitions WAY Verna from Earl EMELIO Edna Lees from James GULLJFER Victoria from Joel Henry GLAZAR Marjorie from Adolph SCHMEISSER Addlette Barbara Claire from Chester James FRANCHINA Caroline Bryan from Anthony DROSSIN Max from Elizabeth ROTHENBERG Sylvia from Irving WEINGARTEN Bessie from Irving MARX Betty ixu from Robert Jr AVRIN Victor from Lena FELTON Helen Jeanette from Kay Sterling BURGER May from Nathan KERR Catherine from Frederic MONROE Aaron from Mary Magdalene MONSANTE Annabelle Margaret from James HODGES Virginia Ruth from Forrest Ray MEHER Lewis from Dorothy RADUCH Nathan from Margaret Building Permits JOHN LANDRY 6365 Eighth st CBS residence $5300 SAMUEL STAHL 3901 Biscayne blvd Install air-conditioning $3950 RHODES INC 200 Fifth st remodel existing doorway Into show- 75th CBS PprC AD 2 50 63rd Ave CBS BERNARD6 JARRETT 117 41st ave CBS residence $3740 BERNARD JARRETT 127 41st ave CBS Residence- $3740 Separate Maintenance SINGER Sadie from Hyman PETERS Viola from Oswald Cooper Road Board Meet Falls On Bowl Day State Road Board accepted Thursday the invitation of the Dade County Commission for an early meeting ih Miami-The date selected was the weekend of Dec 31 The meeting' will coincide with the Orange Bowl parade on Saturday and the Orange Bowl football game on Monday told them to come at any 1 Chairman Hugh Peters said have appointed Commissioner Jesse Yarborough an entertainment committee of job will be to round up Orange Bowl tickets for five board members three engineers an attorney a secre-tary and their wives There will be other entertainment including a dinner The commission and the board will discuss the Dade county state road program for 1950 Already on the prospective list are widening of the Miami-Homestead highway repaving of Seventh ave and widening of Golden Glades road James rotter Dies Ex-Head of Buick Plant James Eliher Trotter 85 of 1813 Seventh st died Thursday in a local hospital Mr Trotter in 1929 as manager of- a Buick factory in Indianapolis Ind after 20 years with the organization He came here 13 years ago Arrangements Will be announced by Gerhardt Funeral home Mr Trotter is survived by a niece and three nephews Rites For Mrs Budd Set For Saturday Night Services for Mary Laffey Budd 70 who died in a hospital here Thursday will be at 8:30 Saturday in Van Qrsdel Southwest mortuary 1 Mrs Budd came to Miami from Pittsburgh 15 years ago and is survived by her husband Clifford Miami realtor of 811 Santiago st Coral Gables Actress Dies ROME Kiki Palmer 42 Italian stage actress died Thursday from what police said was an overdose of sleeping tablets Vital Applications To Wed BERRY-KAISER Ancil Witten ainter 4001 36th cL 23 and painter 4001 join ct ana Gertrude 22 waitress 5700 25th ave BILLINGS-JONES James Jr 22 real estae 2421 Seventh st and Annette 21 2197 14th ter BRIDGES-YOTT Davis 22 shipping clerk 2511 27th lane and Johnnie 19 student 8269 First place COGHILL-OCKLEY Doss 43 mechanic 711 Miami ave- ana Doris Colleen 23 780 32nd st Hialeah COUNCIL-BLANTON Joseph 19 Slumber 1645 Eighth st and lary Ruth 19 stenographer 774 36th st LEE-SPAULDING Harold 46 bar owner 645 Okeechobee rd Hialeah and Doris 35 650 Okeechobee rd Hialeah -LEVY-REGENSTRAFF Howard 24 salesman 900 Pennsylvania ave Miami Beach and Joan 20 secretary 640 Ocean dr Miami Beach MUNLEY-PUHAK Robert James 24 student 6685 8 36th st and Ann 23 registered nurse Veterans Administration hospital Coral Gables OAKS-RUTSCHOW Clarence 50 machinist 601 Falcon ave Miami Springs and Helen 42 secretary same address Arthur Harold 21 mechanic 1033 127th st and Alice Wilma 13 12133 5th ave Shipping News ARRIVED THURSDAY TANKER EDISON SKIPPER With fuel oil from -Texas Pier 1 SS FLORIDA with passengers mall and freight from Havana Pier 2 SAILED THURSDAY SS FLORIDA with passengers mall and freight for Havana Pier 2 MV ZESTA with perishables for Venezuela Pier 3 USS YFR 1152 with general cargo for Cuba Pier 3 DUE TODAY SS CHICKASAW with general cargo from Baltimore Pier 1 MV MISS HOLLAND with okra from Nassau Pier 1 MV WILLIAM JOHNSON with bananas from Haiti Pier I MV IDYLE with bananas from Cuba PleEXPECTED SAILINGS TODAY TANKER EDISON SKIPER In ballast for Texas Pier 1 MV ALETES In ballast for Haiti Pier 1 MV WILLIAM GLENN with general car go lor Haiti Pier 1 MV WHIPPLE in ballast for Colombia Pier 2 MV FLORIDA with perishables for Vene zuela Pier 3 Annulment Petitions BORSACK Bernice Stotter from Michael Just Farmer Tommy Burke Work For Sullivan Deputy Sheriff Tommy Burke is no longer' working for Sheriff Jimmy Sullivan Burke said Thursday that he had quit and was going to retire to his recently -acquired farm near Goulds But sources close to the office hinted that the tough-talking had been forced out of office as the start of a general house- cleaning decree coming from the office in Talla- hassee Jimmy Sullivan could not be reached for comment Thursday Burke was working as a janitor at the Police Benevolent association park when Sullivan appointed him as a deputy Burke reportedly incurred che displeasure of Jimmy Sullivan when he recently purchased an expensive car and then acquired the farm Filming of Dade Records Planned A bill permitting Dadei county to microfilfn old records is being drawn for introduction at the special session of the legislature Commission Chairman Hugh Peters said Thursday I Another bill being drawn by County Attorney Park Campbell for special session action allows creation of special benefit districts in rapidly growing county areas for sidewalk sewer lighting and fire protection bonds and taxes investigation one could carry the two-way radio into a building and maintain contact with his partner remaining in the car Lt A Clark in command of the police motorcycle squad also announced a new in communications Thursday' Miami police motorcycles are the first in nation to be equipped not only with two-way high frequency radio but also with public address systems BROWN RAINES Bribe Charge Faces 2 On Barbers Board Herald Service TAMPA The president and a member of the state barbers sanitary commission were arrested here Thursday on charges of accepting a $500 bribe to approve a license: application Brown Raines of Jacksonville the commission president was arrested on the bribe charge and Commission Member Selpb of Lakeland was charged as an accessor Both men were released under $5000 bond each Police said a deputy and a city detective hid in an alley and witnessed Tracy 3 rhillips of Largo pay Raines five $100 bills in front of the post-office "Fisher Hillsborough county solicitor said that Phillips told him he was approached six weeks ago by Selph after he had applied to take the state examination Selph told him Phillips said to come to Tampa Wednesday night where he was Introduced to Raines According to the solicitor Raines told rhillips it would cost $500 to have his examination rhillips' agreed and the payoff meeting was arranged Phillips complained to State Attorney Chester McMullen after his meeting with Raines and the solicitor to have him shadowed to the postoffice Selph was arxested later while he was conducting a examination for some SO applicants In a local hotel Selph 42 was taMto into custody as he was preparing to conduct examinations for 215 candidates from all parts of the state The- tests went ahead under the third board member of Tallahassee Peace Justice Splcola fixec bond for each man at $5000 anc set a hearing tentatively for Aug 19 Both men made bond after spending several hours in the county jail The solicitor said Raines contended Phillips approached him about making a payment to pass the test The chairman said he took the money only to see if Phillips would go that far and intended to return' it and bar rhillips from the examination but officers closed in too quickly Fisher said The solicitor said Phillips told this story About six weeks ago Selph came to him in Largo and told him to come to Tampa the night before the examination to meet other members- of -the board Selph said it might cost Phillips a little but Phillips thought he meant a dinner or some liquor rhillips came -here Wednesday night and was introduced by Selph to Raines at a hotel Raines took Phillips into another room and said it would cost him $500 to pass the examination and get his license rhillips have the money got worried and reported the matter to State Attorney McMullen in Clearwater Clearwater is in owrr county Pinellas McMullen advised Phillips to see Fisher and notified Fisher Thursday Fisher arranged to give Phillips $500 in marked hundred dollar bills Two officers were at the downtown corner set for the-: meeting between Phillips and Raines and trailed them to the alley Selph made no statement immediately Fisher said Raines was appointed to the barber board last February when Gov Warren reorganized the agency They were named to fill out forms" of Caldwell appointees who held commissions running until June 1951 but resigned at the change of administration Raines wno owns a Jacksonville barber shop has cut governor hair for many years and still does on trips Tallahassee for barber board business The governor was not available for comment on the case His office announced earlier -in the day that he had left for a few days rest because of "physical Meeting A' Officers and trustees of B'rith Tropical lodge will meet at 10:15 a Sunday in restaurant to plan fall and winter community service programs Miniature Two-Way Radio Made For Miami Policemen Seeking to have the best police communications system Miami police took a look Thursday at a new godget which will aid them in fighting crime Lt Ben Demby city communi- cations superintendent cajne up with a two-way high frequency When two detectives make an radio which weighs less than 10 pounds The compact unit one of the first of its kind to be manufactured is here for experimental purposes only Both Demby and Police Chief Walter Headley agree its use will be virtually unlimited In emergencies and for special events it can be used by mounted police or can be carried in a brief case Other Deaths MICHAEL 57 of 1521 34th st SCHADER FRED 74 Of 3108 21 ct BUSHGENS CHARLES 90 Of 1237 61st ter.
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