Love Potion. - RandomFandoms65000 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Returning To Hogwarts.


The lore in this is probably not all super accurate and the characters are probably a little OOC. This is my first Drarry fic so sorry if it's not that great.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry sighed to himself as he boarded the train with his luggage to Hogwarts. This week was Parents' Week. There would be lots of activities for the parents and their children to show off their skills. It was also Valentine's Day in a few days too but the dark-haired man wasn't really concerned with that anymore. Things have gotten a lot better since the war ended. Muggles are none the wiser unless they were the parents of a student at Hogwarts. Speaking of Muggles, Harry heard they were even letting Muggle parents join Parents’ Week. It was the first time ever. Ginny sat beside him under the luggage shelf after she had put her own up there next to his.

Harry is reminded of his first time on the train. It felt like it was so long ago. In many ways, it was. Across from him were Ron and Hermione bickering as always. She was probably right about something, and Ron was probably mad he had been wrong. The dark-haired man is surprised they've stayed married, but then again, a part of him isn't. He's sure the stress of being the Minister of Magic is hard on Hermione while Ron just has to deal with annoying customers at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Somehow, they make it work. Harry's own marriage with Ginny didn't last long after they had Lily. They still coparented, though.

They both had hoped their divorce wasn't too hard on the kids, though. They didn't seem that affected, but still. Honestly, going off to Hogwarts was probably best. He was so proud of them. He read and kept every letter any of the kids sent home. He knows Ginny was and does, too. After relaxing and things had calmed down between Ron and Hermione, the train was quiet. Harry looked out the window, seeing the familiar sight of the trees and water as they passed over a bridge. He hasn't been back to Hogwarts since he graduated. There wasn't a need. His job at the Ministry took up enough of his time. A wave of more nostalgia hit him when the trolley came by.

Ron got junk food, and Hermione side eyed him only to then accept the chocolate frog she was given with a smile. Ron grinned and kissed her cheek while she rolled her eyes as if she were annoyed. It was clear she wasn't. They really were the perfect couple. Ginny bought some snacks too and offered to share some crisps with Harry, who happily accepted them. It was nice to feel like himself again and to just relax. He hardly takes a vacation. Once at Hogsmeade station, they all got off and were escorted to Hogwarts by none other than Hagrid. Rooming was basically how it was when they were students there. Everyone had a single bed. The women stayed in another area.

“I can't believe this. I feel like a student again.” Ron said as he slid his luggage under the bed and plopped down on the twin bed

“Could be worse.” Harry shrugged while putting his luggage between his bed and the nightstand

“How?” Ron looked over at him with squinting eyes

“We could be staying in Slytherin.” Harry joked with a little grin

Like it was when they were students, each person was put into common areas of the same houses when they were put into years ago. Clearly, this area is meant to be for students, but the renovation isn't done yet, so it's being used for parents for now. Things are incomplete but not unlivable. Luckily, Slytherin now isn't what it was like back when they were in school from what Albus wrote in his letters anyway. He was in Slytherin after all so he would know more than Harry. Maybe it wasn't so bad back then, either. Maybe they just had a bad wrap, and Malfoy, along with his goons, didn't really make them look any better. That was long ago, though. It doesn't really matter now, does it?

“Bloody hell. That would be a nightmare wouldn’t it?” Ron said as he begrudgingly sat up

“Probably.” Harry answered, fixing his blazer and button up as the redhead shook his head

They would be called for dinner soon. Their other roommates were changing into or fixing the clothes they were wearing so they would look like the perfect images of stable parents. Muggles were just put wherever there was a free bed since they did not attend Hogwarts. But they clearly didn't know much about any of this. Harry often saw other wizards helping them, especially on the stairs. He actually kept a mother from falling off when she got too close to the edge. She thanked him, and he realized she had no idea who he was. It was strange but relieving not to have to go through the whole “yes I'm Harry Potter. Sure, you can have an autograph and a picture.” It made him think of Lockhart, and he never liked that man.

“You think Albus will be happy to see you?” Ron asked as he got up from the bed, stretching then holding his back like an old man would

Harry shrugged and turned to look at his friend.

“I hope so. He's going to have to deal with me for a week.” He replied

“Sons are so much easier.” Ron sighed like he was stressed beyond belief

Harry frowned a little and shook his head.

“That's not true. Lily and I get along just fine.” He told him

Ron had the audacity to roll his blue eyes.

“That's because she's not in her “I hate everything my father does” phase.” He emphasizes his words with air quotes

“I don't even know what I've done half of the time.” The redhead sulked as he crossed his arms just above his belly

“I'm sure it'll pass, Ron.” Harry patted his shoulder with a tight smile

“All parents, please report to the Great Hall for supper with your children. All parents report to the dining hall for supper with your children.” They heard McGonagall's voice overhead

“Man, I could eat.” Ron nodded as he rubbed his extended stomach

“It shows.” Harry said and headed towards the door, not missing his friend's face, falling into a frown

“Oi, did you just call me fat?” Ron demanded to know as he trailed after the other

“Don't remember saying that, Ron.” Harry replied and earned a scoff

“You aursehole.” Ron insulted as he smacked the dark headed man on the back, and they both chuckled




The Great Hall was as filled as he remembered. Harry and Ron had to split ways since Albus was in Slytherin while Rose was in Gryffindor. It looks like Ginny got there just after him because she touched his shoulder, and he flinched on reflex, nearly grabbing his wand. When he realized it was just her, he calmed down immediately. Being in Hogwarts brought back a lot of good memories but also a lot of bad ones, and those bad ones loom over him like a dark cloud. He knows Voldemort is gone, but the man still haunts him. The deaths still haunt him. It was hard to move past it all no matter how hard he tried, and he tried really hard.

“Blimey Harry. Are you alright?” Ginny asked with concern

“Yeah just…” Harry trailed off as he fixed his glasses that had slid down his nose

“It's being back here, isn't it?” Ginny asked, placing a gentle hand on his tricep

“Yeah. I'm glad to be here for Albus but-” Harry started to explain only for the redhead to shake her head

“You don't have to explain. I get it.” Ginny said, giving him a small smile

There was still love and care between them even though they weren't married anymore. It was impossible not to love her or care for her. They just weren't a good fit together anymore, and that was okay. It didn't change their relationship much. They just weren't together together. They didn't share a bed or passionate nights anymore. Ginny has found a new partner, a muggle from what he has heard. Harry knows she's in love even though the redhead hadn't mentioned them much. He would like to say it hurts to see her move on, but honestly, he's happy if she's happy. She deserved to have someone love her like no one else. He's always thought that.

“Let's go find Albus before he finds us.” Ginny said, tugging his arm so he would follow

Harry did. He walked with her between the row of tables. His green eyes glanced towards the front, seeing teachers sitting in their seats. McGonagall was sitting in the middle as she was the Head Mistress. around her were familiar faces. Professor Sinistra, Professor Flitwick, Hagrid, Professor Vector, Madame Hooch, Neville, Professor Trelawney, Mr. Filch, Professor Rowle, Professor Dromgoole, Professor Brindlemore and… there was a person missing. Harry didn't have much time to question it since Ginny let him know she found their son who stood up with a small smile when he saw them. The two approached him, seeing that he was wearing his Slytherin cloak.

“You made it.” Albus said, clearly happy

“Of course we did, sweetie.” Ginny smiled as she sat next to him

“Wouldn't miss it for the world.” Harry added and took a seat on the other side of their son

Before Albus could say anything else, someone interrupted them.

“Potter!” The dark-haired man heard a familiar voice say, yet it was much different than he remembered

When he glanced over, he was shocked to see what looked to be a young Malfoy, except it wasn't Draco. The kid looked so much like him, though. The way his eyes were ice cold, his pale skin, and his short nearly white hair. It was like looking into the past, but he knew the boy was not Draco at all. The differences were subtle but still there. Harry knew this kid, though. He was his son's best friend and Draco's son Scorpius. Albus talked about him sometimes in his letters. It was not much. However, he had no idea Scorpius was a Malfoy. Albus only called him by his first name in the letters, and the boy was barely mentioned. Harry is assuming, but there's no way the kid is not Draco's son.

“Malfoy!” Their son grinned as the other boy who was dressed similarly sat down across from them

“Hi Mister. Potter and Mrs. Weasley.” Scorpius greeted them respectfully

Harry was shocked again at how different the pale blonde was. If only Draco had been like this. Maybe they would have gotten along. Then again, what's the fun in that right? Everyone has to have a rival. Another thing he noticed was that he called them by different last names. That means he knew enough to know Harry and Ginny were divorced, and the redhead went back to using her maiden name. Albus must be closer to him than he let on. Harry had a strange feeling in his chest. He wasn't mad that Albus didn't tell him, but knowing he was missing an important part of his son's life felt like his son thought he couldn't trust him. Why would he hide his friendship with Scorpius?

“Hello, you must be Scorpius Malfoy. Albus has told me so much about you.” Ginny lied but was trying to be nice

Unless she got different letters than he did. That thought made his heart sink, but he's sure it wasn't true. They talked about the letters often, so there's no way she would not have brought it up. Albus just kept that detail from them. Harry guessed that was okay. He doesn't have to tell them everything, but something just felt off. He'll probably get over it. There's a time when you have to realize you aren't your kid's best friend. They don't see you that way, and really, you shouldn't be. Harry is the parent. He shouldn't know every detail about Albus even if he didn't like the feeling of not knowing something important to his son. It's not a big deal.

“Mum.” Her son whines, making the platinum blonde chuckle

“Is your father here?” Harry found himself asking before he could even think it through

Scorpius’ nearly invisible brows moved up as if a little surprised the older man would ask, but he nodded.

“Yes, father is around.” He said suspiciously vague

“Is he not going to join you?” Ginny asked, gesturing across the table to the empty spot next to the boy

The pale blonde shook his head.

“Probably not. He's usually busy with other stuff.” Scorpius shrugged

“Father gets busy a lot too.” Albus said, and Harry noticed it was to comfort the other, though it hurt him

He always tried to make it to Albus’ events and parties. There were times he couldn't because of the Ministry, but anytime he could, he would. Being an Auror just complicated things a lot of the time. He hopes that Albus, James, and Lily don't feel neglected. He never wanted them to feel that way. The dark-haired man might have failed Ginny in that department, but he made sure his kids were loved and tended to. Maybe he was thinking too much about it, and Albus’ comment was really just to comfort Scorpius. That much was clear with the look they shared. Harry couldn't read it well, but he somewhat understood it.

They didn't get to say much more because the food started coming. plates and cups floated through the air as platters of food appeared on the table. Cheers and other happy noises filled the air until McGonagall stood to make a toast once everyone filled their plates and cups. After toasting, everyone dug into the delicious meal. It was nice to see his son so happy. Albus was much more shy than Harry was, even though he was a little bit shy when he was younger, too. His boy was quiet too, soft-spoken, and hardly ever got angry. It seemed he and Scorpius were truly best friends. Harry never imagined a Potter, and a Malfoy would get along. Who would have thought? Times really are changing.




Harry laid down on the lumpy bed after changing his clothes. He was full from dinner and really tired. He felt really bad, though. Draco never showed up to join his son, though Scorpius didn't seem that upset about it. It still bothered Harry for some reason. He had to get the thoughts out of his head because tomorrow would be a long day of many events. First was a game of Quidditch. It would be parents versus their kids. Harry was still good with a broom, but he doesn't fly much anymore, so he's sure he’ll be rusty. He can't wait to see how good Albus has gotten, though. He knew his son had a hard time, but he believed in him. The dark headed man also can't wait to see Rose in action.



Scorpius is best boy.

Chapter 2: Potions Class.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Quidditch went great. Mostly because of Rose and a few others, but Harry was happy to see his son had done really well. After that, they ate lunch in The Great Hall with their kids. Harry visited Hagrid’s after that, and they chatted for a while since he had free time. The big guy seemed to be doing well, which he was happy about. He really should come and check on Hagrid more often than he does, which was never. He knows it's still hard for Hagrid to look at him sometimes. Harry understood why. When he left the hut, he saw Albus walking across the yard with Scorpius, and Harry remembered he needed to get to their next activity. He jogged up the hill, catching up with his son and his friend.

“Mr. Potter.” Scorpius greeted, looking surprised to see him

“T-There you are, father.” Albus said as they stopped for a moment

“Sorry, got caught up with talking to Hagrid.” Harry replied and walked ahead of them

“It's alright, but if we're late to potions class, mum will be mad.” Albus told him as he walked through the door his father was holding open

“Right, let's not make your mother mad.” Harry said, going in behind them

“Bet your mom's hot when she's mad.” Scorpius chuckled, earning a little shove from his friend

“Shut it, Malfoy.” Albus scolded

Harry shook his head fondly. Kids these days. Some things just don't change. He thought as they trailed down the corridor in a hurry. When they arrived, Harry and Albus made their way to Ginny, who didn't look mad, but was clearly not pleased even though the teacher had not arrived yet. Ron and Hermione, along with Rose, were on the opposite side of the table to Ginny. Other tables had other families in them. Harry was glad Ginny had gotten seats with the Weasleys. He was never good at making conversation with strangers unless it was for a case. He had to at that point. If he could avoid it, though, he would, and most of the time, he did.

“You were almost late.” Hermione said in a scolding manner

“Mother, the teacher's not even here yet.” Rose told her

“Plus this isn't even a regular class. We won't get counted off ‘Mione.” Ron piped up

“It's not the point, Ron.” Ginny told him, and he rolled his eyes dramatically

“Alright. We're sorry. I got caught up with talking to Hagrid and lost time. It's my fault.” Harry admitted

He put his hands up placatingly so Hermione and Ginny wouldn't burn him at the stake for being late to class. God forbid it, right? How dare even think of possibly being late to class. A class that they won't get counted off for since they aren't students anymore, but whatever. That clearly didn't matter to them. Of course, Hermione had to keep up appearances and be a good influence as the Minister of Magic, but Ginny didn't. Unfortunately, she was either known as Harry Potter's ex-wife or the mother of Albus Potter. She was wonderful and deserved better recognition than just being the mother of a Potter or being the wife of Harry Potter. It was really a shame the tabloids treated her like that.

Ron interrupted Ginny before she could say anything.

“How's he doing?” The redhead asked

“Good, still favoring dangerous creatures.” Harry said, making them chuckle

“Were you with your father? I lost you after the match.” Ginny asked Albus, who had been quiet this whole time

“Um no.” Albus shook his head

Harry noticed the small blush on his cheeks as Rose giggled.

“He was probably in a secluded area with Scorpius.” She teased

“Who's Scorpius?” Ron asked

“Shut up, Rose.” Albus frowned at her

“Now let's not fight.” Hermione told them

“Scorpius is just my friend.” Albus muttered as he glanced away

Harry could see he was looking towards the pale blonde across the room. He was by himself again but talking to the student across from him. The dark-haired man still worried he was lonely. He knows what it feels like to have family who don't show up to anything or family that don't even care about you or treat you like you're not even there under the stairs of their big house. Harry blinked the bad memories of his childhood away to observe the strange behavior of his son. Rose, however, did not let up on her teasing, but none of them seemed to understand what she was getting at. Were they missing something? Did Harry miss something? Albus seemed flustered by what she was saying.

“Yeah, best friends.” Rose grinned like she knew something no one else did

Harry eyed her trying to figure it out, and then he glanced towards his son again. Albus hiked his shoulders up to his ears. He was very much embarrassed. Harry remembered doing the same when he was younger. It took a lot for him to be embarrassed now, but his boy was much different. He didn't have much confidence, nor was he very brave even though he tried his best. Harry wished Albus would give himself more credit.

“Can someone tell me who this kid is?” Ron asked again, interrupting the kids’ banter

Ginny sighed.

“He's Draco's son, apparently.” She answered, and her brother's eyes went wide

“Draco- a bloody Malfoy?” Ron looked bewildered

“Ron!” Hermione whisper yelled, smacked his arm

“Ow, what'd you do that for?” Ron whined as he rubbed his arm

“He's a child.” Hermione told him

“He's a Malfoy.” Ron grumbled back

“He's my friend.” Albus corrected

Ginny looked down at her son with a nod.

“That he is, and Uncle Ron will say no more about it.” She side eyed her older brother with a glare

“He doesn't seem to be a bad kid.” Harry said, feeling like he needed to defend him

He never would have done that for Draco all those years ago. During the battle, though, he realized the pale blonde was stuck between a rock and a hard place in every sense of the phrase. His family made a bad choice, and Draco had to suffer for it. In the long run, it was bad for everyone no matter what. Scorpius was clearly not like his father had been when they were at that age, and he's really good friends with Albus. That's all that mattered to Harry. His son didn't have many friends, so if all he had was Scorpius and Rose, then that's all he needed. Harry was acquainted with lots of people, even considered some of them his friends, but Ron and Hermione were his best friends.

“Fine. I just can't believe a Potter and a Malfoy could ever be friends.” Ron crossed his arms atop his belly

“Don't be so harsh, Father. Scorpius is nice. He gave me flowers when he asked me out.” Rose spoke up

Harry could see the absolute shock and horror take over his friends’ faces at the knowledge they probably didn't know until just now. Harry remembered Albus writing about it in one of his letters. That was the first time he heard of a boy named Scorpius, but a last name wasn't specified. Apparently, his son even helped Scorpius pick out the flowers for Rose. Albus seemed to dislike helping with that, but he had done it anyway. Harry understood sort of. He helped Ron pick out his ring for Hermione. It wasn't really enjoyable, but he was excited his friend would be married, so he didn't understand why Albus seemed to hate helping Scorpius so much that day.

“He what?!” Hermione found herself blurting, and others looked towards them

She gave a weak smile and apologized for being loud.

“He asked you out?” Hermione asked the young girl who nodded

“Where's the “he's just a child” now?” Ron asked, mocking her voice and earning a glare from his wife

“She rejected him.” Albus said, and Harry could see the deep frown on his face

Rose nodded.

“Yeah. It would have just gotten in the way of my Quidditch practice and my studies.” She shrugged

“For once, I'm glad you got your mother's enthusiasm for school.” Ron commented

“Is good to put your school work first, Rose.” Ginny said

“Thank you.” She smiled

“Dodged a curse.” Harry said and could tell his two friends agreed

They seemed to calm down, and the conversation died just as the door to the classroom opened. Everyone else quieted down, too, as the teacher stepped in, and Harry's eyes went wide. There, with short familiar white blonde hair, was Draco Malfoy. He was dressed in a plain black button-up with a dark gray tie that matched his fitting slacks and a black vest. He walked with the same air of confidence as he always has. Harry was confused because he thought Draco was still working in the Ministry of Magic under Hermione. When did he quit to work at Hogwarts? Why didn't he know? Why didn't Hermione tell Harry?

“Alright class and guardians.” Draco said, breaking Harry out of his thoughts

The blonde was at the front of the class, glancing over his students. It seemed like he might have been taking a row, but Harry doesn't know for sure. After a moment, he nodded to himself and continued.

“Today we're doing something simple and on theme for this week. A love potion.” Draco said as he snapped his fingers

All the ingredients they needed appeared on their tables along with two small animals. They were probably the test subjects. Harry heard his son groan at the sight of everything. Albus was not so great at potions, and he often complained about how complicated it was for him. Harry had a hard time at one point, too, so he definitely understood. They listened to Draco explain what to do, and each family worked together on making the potion. The ones with both or a single muggle parent just had to watch their child do it. Harry glanced towards the platinum blonde every once in a while to see him either helping students with muggle parents or his own son.

He obviously thought most of most of the other parents could do without his assistance. They should be fine since they all went to Hogwarts or another magical school. It was nice to see his trust and faith in others. Maybe Harry misjudged, and Draco was busy doing something important yesterday. Though, what could be more important than being there for your kid? The dark headed man can't think of anything he would do other than be here for Albus.

“Potter look!” Scorpius showed up at their table abruptly

Harry could see Ron frown, and Hermione looked surprised by the interruption. Ginny seemed unfazed, but their son looked delighted to see the other boy. Much more than Rose, who had just continued on either the potion.

“You did it!” Albus smiled as he saw the two little creatures snuggling together in the cage

“Good job, Malfoy.” Rose commented, making him blush, and Albus suddenly glanced away with a disappointed look

“Thanks. It was pretty easy.” Scorpius grinned

“Yeah with the help of your father.” Ron rolled his eyes

“We're all helping our kids, well, most of us unlike you.” Ginny retorted when she saw Scorpius deflate a little

“Yeah father.” Rose huffed

He really was different from his father. Harry understood Ron's anger, but it shouldn't be directed at the kid. Scorpius wasn't Draco.

“Oi, I'm helping.” Ron replied, offended

“Not much.” Hermione added snidely

“Because you always take over.” Ron told her as she looked at him like she was going to pull a Seamus Finnigan

“Trouble in paradise?” A voice said, and they turned to see Draco standing behind his son

“Dad.” Scorpius looked over to him

Side by side, they truly looked similar, but Harry could tell the differences not caused by their ages. Draco looked different up close. He still carried himself confidently, but there was no arrogance behind it like there used to be. There was no posturing. He was just Draco Malfoy without trying to be the Draco Malfoy. It was a nice difference if Harry had to say so.

The blonde looked at his son and placed a pale hand on his shoulder.

“Why don't you return to your seat? I'm glad you completed the spell, but the Potters and the Weasleys haven't.”

“Right, sorry.” Scorpius told the two families

“It's quite alright.” Hermione told him

“It's no bother.” Ginny added sounding like the kind mothers they were

Scorpius nodded, glancing at Albus before leaving to return to his seat like he was asked. Draco did not leave. He directed his attention to Albus, who glanced away again. Harry frowned, feeling like he was going into defensive father mode. He has no idea how long Draco has been teaching or how he has acted towards his son, but if he was anything like his younger self it wasn't making Harry confident that Albus was being treated right.

“Are we having trouble again, Potter?” Draco asked

Harry, but also Ron looked shocked at that. Even Hermione gave a curious look. There was no malice behind the name Potter as there usually was when it came out of Draco's mouth. In fact, there was something akin to fondness in the way he said the surname. Harry felt goosebumps spread across his skin, and he had no idea why.

“As always, Professor Malfoy.” Albus said with a little pout

“It's alright.” Draco said as he looked at Ginny and Harry

“You two could help.” He crossed his arms

Ron frowned, Hermione rolled her eyes, but Ginny didn't waver.

“Potions were never one of my strong suits.” She said a little shyly

“But it was Mr. Potter's.” Draco pointed out

The dark headed man felt his cheeks heat up at the sound of his last name being said so formally by Draco. The blonde has never said it like that in their entire time of knowing each other. Ginny gave him a strange look, and so was Hermione. Harry cleared his throat, unsure of why he felt so strange.

“Ah yes. I was- am.” He stumbled over his words

Draco then frowned.

“Then help your son, Potter.” He said, then spun around

There it was. That malice. Though it made Harry feel even more strange. He watched the pale blonde walk away to tend to another family before looking back at his son, who was snickering.

“What are you laughing about?” Ron asked him

“Father got scolded by Professor Malfoy.” Albus said, grinning like it was the funniest thing he's ever heard in both the Wizarding world and the Muggle world

Hermione started to giggle but was trying to hide it behind her hand, unlike Ginny along with Rose. They didn't seem to care as they laughed freely.

Ron shook his head.

“Guess it is pretty funny to see the Harry Potter get scolded by his son's teacher.” The redhead

“S’not funny.” Harry grumbled as he started to help finish the potion




They finished the potion, and Albus let one drop spill on each animal before they let them out of their cage just like the directions said. The little lizards crawled out, then immediately to each other, and rubbed their heads against one another. It was very cute to see them be so cuddly.

“We did it!” Albus cheered

“You did most of the work. I'm proud of you.” Ginny kissed his head

“Mum, not in front of everyone.” Albus whined

“Right, sorry.” Ginny rolled her eyes

“Aw but you love mummy's kisses.” Rose teased

“Shut up, Rose.” Albus huffed

“Don't fight now.” Hermione told them

“Sorry I mean you love someone else's kisses.” Rose grinned

Harry and Ginny looked at their flustered son before they were interrupted.

“I see you completed the potion.” Draco said now standing on the side closer to Harry and Ron

“Yes Professor Malfoy!” Rose smiled

“It wasn't so hard.” Albus said as the blonde observed their work

“And you worked with your parents, right?” Draco asked them

“Yes!” Both students answered

“Of course they did.” Ron frowned

“I wasn't talking to you.” Draco told him

“There's no reason to be rude, Malfoy.” Harry found himself saying, and those ice gray eyes found his dark green ones

“I wasn't being rude, and I wasn't talking to him, nor you.” Draco replied, looking him up and down before returning his attention to the kids

“You two did very well. Full marks.” Draco told them

Albus and Rose smiled as they looked at each other, and just as quickly as he arrived, the platinum blonde left again. Harry wasn't sure how to feel as he watched him walk away once more. When his eyes really drifted too low, he tore them away, frowning at himself. Why did he almost do that? What did he almost do?

“Still an aursehole.” Ron scoffed



Rose is one of us.

Chapter 3: Ginny Has Assumptions.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

They finished the potion, and Albus let one drop spill on each animal before they let them out of their cage just like the directions said. The little lizards crawled out then immediately to each other and rubbed their heads against one another. It was very cute to see them be so cuddly when typically the creatures are rather ravenous.

“We did it!” Albus cheered

“You did most of the work. I'm so proud of you.” Ginny kissed his head

“Mum, not in front of everyone.” Albus whined a little embarrassed

“Right, sorry.” Ginny rolled her eyes with a shake of her head

“Aw but you love mummy's kisses.” Rose teased from across the table

“Shut up, Rose.” Albus huffed

“Don't fight now.” Hermione told them as she cross her arms

“Sorry I mean you love someone else's kisses.” Rose grinned cheekily

Harry and Ginny looked at their flustered son before they were interrupted.

“I see you completed the potion.” Draco said now standing on the side closer to Harry and Ron

“Yes Professor Malfoy!” Rose smiled

“It wasn't so hard.” Albus said as the blonde observed their work

“And you worked with your parents, right?” Draco asked them

“Yes!” Both students answered

“Of course they did.” Ron frowned

“I wasn't talking to you.” Draco retorted

“There's no reason to be rude, Malfoy.” Harry found himself saying, and those ice gray eyes found his dark green ones

“I wasn't being rude. I wasn't talking to him, nor you for that matter.” Draco replied, looking him up and down before returning his attention to the kids

“You two did very well. Full marks.” Draco told them

Albus and Rose smiled as they looked at each other, and just as quickly as he arrived, the platinum blonde left again. Harry wasn't sure how to feel as he watched him walk away once more to tend to another family. When his eyes drifted too low, he tore them away, frowning at himself. Why did he almost do that? What did he almost do? No. He would never do that. Draco just has a peculiar body shape for a man. Thin, narrow waist, prominent hips but not too curvy. Strange, Harry wondered if he always looked like that. Maybe their uniforms and cloaks just hid it. Wait, what was he thinking?

“Still an aursehole.” Ron scoffed with a dramatic eye roll




After the class was finished, everyone was making their way out of the room. Scorpius joined them again and was chatting with Albus and Rose as the parents walked a few steps behind them. They didn't want to linger too close like a line of helicopter parents. No kid wants that, especially when your parents are so famous. Granted most of the generation here has a famous parent or two since most are children of the people that taught in the Battle Of Hogwarts but still. No one likes a parent who hovers when you just want to talk to your friends.

“Hermione, I thought Malfoy worked at the Ministry with you.” Ginny said as she walked between Harry and the brunette

Hermione nodded.

“He did until a few months ago.” She said

“He just… quit?” Ron asked since he was on the other side of his wife

Hermione shrugged.

“Well things were still tense even after all these years, with him being a Malfoy. He told me personally about his resignation.” She admitted as she glanced towards the stone ground like she was almost sad about it

“I can't believe he would just give that up.” Ginny shook her head

Harry wasn't sure what to think. Working at the Ministry paid very well. Being a teacher at Hogwarts did not. Maybe Draco was just tired of it all. Maybe he wanted to get away and pass on his knowledge. He was always very smart.

“Honestly, I thought he quit because of his wife's death.” Hermione said as she looked at the younger redhead

Ginny nodded immediately, looking sympathetic.

“Right, I heard about that. Incredibly sad.”

“Maybe he took the teaching job to be closer to his son. He is all Draco has left since he cut contact with any of his family that's alive as far as I know. Plus the Ministry takes up a lot of our time so maybe he just wanted to be around more.” Hermione sighed wishing she had better answers

“Yeah.” Harry agreed with that last bit

It did take up a lot of their time. It was one of the reasons why he and Ginny split. He made time for the Ministry and for his kids, but not enough for her. He always felt bad when he let her down, and when she wanted a divorce, he didn't argue. It was for the best. She deserves someone who would make time for her. Harry never understood how Hermione made time for Ron and their daughter while being the Minister of Magic. Granted, they only have one child. Harry and Ginny had three. Maybe that was the difference. It could be easier when you only have to split your time three ways instead of five.

“Who knew Malfoy could be so caring.” Ron said snidely

“We're all different now, Ron. You should really let go of old grudges.” Ginny told him as she leaned forward a little to eye her brother

“Kinda hard when he's still sh*tty.” Ron huffed scratching as his stubble

“You butted in. He was clearly talking to the children.” Hermione commented as she looked towards him, her wavy hair swishing with the movement of her head

“But he was rude to Harry first.” Ron argued

He was referring to earlier when Draco told Harry to help Albus. It was in a rather rude tone but he wasn't really in the wrong. Harry is sure a lot of people might or would have seen it that way if they were watching. How dare he tell Harry Potter what to do right? Or how dare to boss around a parent? Either way it can be perceived as pretty rude. Somehow Harry didn't though. He understood what Draco meant by his words. Albus needed his help and he should be doing that instead of expecting his son to just immediately know how to do everything.

“Technically, he was right. Harry is good at potions. He was just telling him to help Albus.” Ginny retorted

“It was his tone.” Ron frowned as he crossed his arms atop his belly

Harry decided to butt in before the siblings really started to argue.

“Ron, it's fine. I should have been helping more, but I thought Al could handle it on his own.” He said

It wasn't that Albus couldn't, but help from his father was needed. Draco saw that and pointed it out. Harry should have noticed he was struggling. Needing help doesn't make Albus a bad wizard. He could learn from it and use it to understand better. It's just like he did today. They had enough time, so Albus went through the process on his own after Harry and Ginny helped with the first potion. The dark-haired boy completed it all on his own when he tried the second time. Harry was so proud of how quick he learned. He loved seeing Albus find work arounds when he had trouble and Harry liked seeing his son's happy face when finally completed something all on his own.

“Don't make excuses for Malfoy.” Ron insisted

“I'm not.” Harry replied

He really wasn't though he knows his stubborn redheaded friend will never see it that way. Ron has never liked Draco and Harry is sure that won't change any time soon just because they’re adults. Don't get him wrong, Harry understood where Ron was coming from. Draco was horrible to then right up until the battle, but his family made bad choices and he had to do what he was told or they would all die. Imagine having that weight on your shoulders? Harry could sympathize where Ron just couldn't. They were both valid.




After Herbology class with Neville, whom Harry was happy to see again, it was the end of the day for the parents. Students had a few more classes before their day would come to an end. Harry was walking towards the parents' quarters with Ginny when she spoke up.

“Harry.” She said softly as they stood on the moving stairs

“Yeah?” Harry asked, leading her onto the landing

“You were looking at Malfoy a lot today.” Ginny glanced at him to see his reaction

Harry frowned while they walked down the corridor.

“I was shocked to see him. I thought he was still working at the Ministry.” He said

Ginny nodded understandingly.

“I was too, but…”

Harry looked over at her as they stopped “But what?” He asked

Ginny let go of him.

“The way you looked at him just seemed… different is all.” She shrugged

Okay, she was implying something, but Harry didn't know what it was.

“Gin, what are you getting at?” He questioned her

Ginny sighed, glancing down both ends of the hallway they were standing in before looking back at Harry and taking his hands into her soft ones.

“I don't mean to pry, but we are still friends, aren't we?” She smiled a little

“Of course.” Harry nodded immediately, but didn't understand where this was going

Ginny nodded back.

“Well then, we should be able to talk about things like being interested in other people.”

Harry felt awkward.

“We… do, you have a partner.” He said

“Yes but you never talk about going on dates or even wanting to start dating again.” Ginny told him

Harry shook his head.

“I don't do those things. I'm not interested right now.” He shrugged

“You're sure?” Ginny rose a red brow

“What does this have to do with Malfoy?” Harry asked, wanting to get to the point

“Harry.” Ginny said like she knew something he didn't

“What?” The dark headed man asked

“Are you really that dense?” Ginny let go of him to cross her arms under her chest

“Ginny, I have no idea what you're talking about.” Harry told her as he pushed up his glasses

“Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I thought you might like Malfoy.” Ginny said, and it felt like a bomb was just dropped

Harry's eyes went wide.

“What?” He asked sounding more offended than anything

“You just kept looking at him, and one time I saw you looking downwards as he walked away. Don't think I don't know what that means.” Ginny told him

Harry blushed but frantically shook his head.

“No… No.” He said, walking off hearing her trail after him

“Absolutely not!” The dark headed man added as he stopped, and she almost bumped into him

“I do not… like… Malfoy.” Harry told Ginny as he turned around to look at her

The redhead put her hands up in defeat.

“Alright, sorry.”

“It was just an assumption.” She shrugged, then took his hand into hers again

“You know, though, if you do, it's fine.” Ginny smiled supportive

“The world is different these days.” She added softly

Harry glanced away. He knew what she was referring to.

“I'm aware, but not enough for me to like Draco in that way.” He replied

Ginny nodded.

“I just mean. I'm always here for you, Harry, no matter who you fall in love with next.” She kissed his cheek gently

All the emotions Harry had immediately left, leaving him calmer.

“Thank you.” He said quietly

He's not sure why he got so upset at the assumption. It was rather harmless. Was the possibility of liking Draco that bad? Harry doesn't think so. Truthfully he was more flustered by the idea than anything. He was also surprised that Ginny of all people would suggest such a thing then again; she's always been more perceptive than she lets on. She and Harry continued on their way though a little more awkward than before. He was glad to see most of his “roommates” were either doing something else or in bed taking an afternoon nap. Ron wasn't there so Harry assumed he was off with Hermione somewhere.



Ginny is one of us too. Remember to give kudos and sub for more content!

Chapter 4: Happy Valentine's Day Draco.


Sorry this took so long ;-;.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry couldn't sleep when he got to bed. He had showered, changed clothes, brushed his teeth, talked to Ron and their other roommates, and then laid down. He tossed and turned because he couldn't get what Ginny said out of his head. The more he thought about it, the more he thought she might be right. Curse her. He and Draco have always had a strange relationship. Usually, it was made of arguing, fighting, and bullying. As they've gotten older, Harry realized most of it was just Draco trying to live up to the Malfoy name and then trying to keep his family from being murdered by Voldemort. Harry can't imagine the weight on his shoulders. His own was already really heavy at the time.

Today, Draco was different. They didn’t encounter each other at the Ministry often or at all really. They worked in two different departments, and Harry always kept to himself. He supposed Draco did the same if he was having trouble because of his last name, like Hermione mentioned. Maybe liking him wasn't so bad. Sure, they had their issues, but they're adults now. Kids say and do things they don't mean all the time. Harry shouldn't hold that over Draco. If they can start a new leaf, maybe it's attached to a branch of new experiences that Harry would like to be a part of. He found himself getting out of bed. He needed to go on a walk to clear his head a bit.

He was always an over-thinker. Right now, it was no different. He walked down the corridor until he found a bench to sit on. It was quiet. All the paintings were sleeping, which was nice. Harry felt alone even though there were a lot of other people around. Then he heard light footsteps and hoped it wasn't Filch about to scold him. When he looked up, he saw the person that was taking over his thoughts.

“You shouldn't wander the corridors, Potter.” Draco told him as he stood there with his arms behind his back

“I'm not wandering.” Harry replied, noticing the other was still in the outfit he had on earlier

Draco rolled his eyes.

“Let me rephrase. You shouldn't be out of bed.” He said

“Thanks Filch.” Harry said sarcastically

Draco scoffed.

“I'm way better looking than him.” He said

“Yeah.” Harry said, then blushed

“Was that a compliment, Potter?” Draco rose a blonde eyebrow at him

“Could have been.” Harry tried to say confidently, but it was slowly leaving him as he glanced away

Draco took it upon himself to sit on the bench near the other.

“Well what a surprise.” He commented as he looked towards some empty paintings

“Is it really?” Harry questioned

Draco looked over at him.

“From you? Yes.” The platinum blonde nodded

Harry scrubbed a hand through his hair. He can do this. He can flirt.

“I can compliment you more if you like.”

Draco rolled his eyes.

“Flattery will get you nowhere, Potter.” He retorted

Harry sighed. Okay, maybe he couldn't. He wasn't very good at it when Ginny was around.

“Fine.” The dark headed man nodded and pursed his lips

“How… have you been?” He asked

Draco crossed his arms again making his vest stretch right over his chest.

“Do you even care?”

“Yes.” Harry said

Draco looked over at him again as if to see if he was lying.

“Fine. I like teaching way more than working at the Ministry.” He grumbled

Finally, they're getting somewhere. Harry smiled a little and nodded understandingly.

“Albus seems to really like you.”

“He's one of my best students even though he has a lot of trouble.” Draco said honestly

“He's had trouble in a lot of classes.” Harry added

Draco sighed and unfolded his arms.

“Well living up to the family name when you might not be as good can be hell.” He said

“Sounds like you know that from experience.” Harry said, but he knew that's exactly what the other felt

“I do.” Draco said, glancing to the floor

Harry felt sympathetic for him. He can't imagine what the other has had to go through.

“I'm sorry, Malfoy.”

Draco tensed and frowned.

“I don't need pity.”

“It's not pity.” Harry told him

Draco glared at him.

“It is. I was horrible to you, and you think it was because I had all this weight on my shoulders.”

Harry knows the other is mad, but those eyes… They glow a beautiful blue gray under the torch light. Maybe Ginny was right.

“Was it not?” Harry asked

Draco scoffed.

“Most of the time, it was just because I wanted to be an aurse, and that's all there was to it.” He said

Harry shrugged.

“Still. You shouldn't have had to carry the burden of your family's bad decision.” He said as he pushed up his glasses

Draco clenched his jaw and then shook his head.

“No I shouldn't have, but it was too late to go back.”

“I guess that's true.” Harry said quietly as he looked across the corridor at the paintings

“You think… If things were different, we could have been friends?” He asked

Draco shrugged.

“Maybe, but most Gryffindors didn't want to be friends with Slytherins. It would have been highly unlikely even if there was no bad blood.” He stated

Harry understood that, but things were different now.

“I don't know. Rose and Albus are good friends. She's friends with Scorpius too.”

“They're different.” Draco told him

“What do you mean?” Harry tilted his head

“Scorpius isn't me, and Albus isn't you and Rose… well she's almost exactly like her mother.” Draco rolled his eyes

Harry chuckled.

“Yeah. School work is and was important to them.”

“Hopefully she won't decide to punch the bloody hell out of me.” Draco said, recalling the broken nose he got once upon a time

Harry shook his head.

“Doubt it. She's not an angry or confrontational girl.”

“Neither is Scorpius.” Draco said

“I noticed, he's very different from you.” Harry nodded

Draco shrugged.

“We might look similar, but our personalities are definitely different.” He said, then looked at the other

“You and Albus, on the other hand, are more similar than you think.” The blonde stated

Harry looks down at his lap, feeling a little shy for some reason.

“That's what Ginny says. It's hard to see, but sometimes I do. Like today in potions, we both got frustrated about the ingredients until Ginny stepped in. Even Ron pointed it out.”

“Because you're similar.” Draco stated

“We are, but you treat him differently than you did me. Thank you for being kind to Al.” Harry said

Draco bit his lip, his pink lip, for a moment, then spoke again.

“Like I said, Albus is not you, and Scorpius is not me.”

“Maybe he's more like you than you think. You're being pretty nice to be right now, and they're best friends.” Harry grinned

Draco rolled his eyes.

“I think you've hit your head.”

“Malfoy don't lie.” Harry told him

Draco sighed.

“We're older, no point in holding on to old mindsets or opinions.”

“So you do like me.” Harry said, filling with confidence again

Draco frowned as he eyed the other.

“I don't hate you if that's what you're asking.”

“I don't hate you either.” Harry replied

“I can tell.” Draco smirked

Alright. It might be too bold, but Ginny always told him to put himself out there when he wanted something. It can't hurt to ask, right?

“Can I… maybe take you on a date?” He said, trying not to sound nervous as he wiped his palms on his sleep pants

Draco seemed to be shocked for a moment. They both were completely silent until he looked over at the dark headed man.

“As friends, yes.” He said, and Harry looked away

“Right.” He nodded, feeling his heart drop

Ginny was right. He liked Draco. How did he not see that before? He's so dense

Draco sighed.

“Look, our son’s like each other-”

Harry’s head lifted up from where he was looking at his lap, and his eyes went wide

“They do?” He asked

“Oblivious as ever, Potter.” Draco stated with an unamused look, then rolled his eyes

“But yes, and my son's happiness comes before mine.” He told him

Harry's head was stalling. Rose's teasing made more sense. What Ginny had said in the past made more sense, and how Albus acted today made more sense. Harry truly is oblivious, but he didn't miss that last bit. “Comes before mine.”

“Is… that implying I would make you happy?” Harry questioned genuinely

Draco looked at him with a fond look he's never seen on his face.

“I wouldn't doubt it.” He shook his head, then looked away

“But it's too late for us, Harry. Our sons deserve a chance.” The blonde told him then smiled a little

“So get back to me in a few years if they aren't together, and maybe we'll give it a try.” Draco shrugged

“You mean that?” Harry said, smiled

“I do.” Draco nodded

“Alright then.” Harry said, feeling happy

“You should go back to bed.” Draco told him as he stood up from the stone bench

“So should you.” Harry replied, earning a little glare

“I'm a teacher, Mr. Potter. You do as I say, not as I do.” Draco said

“Yes Professor Malfoy.” Harry rolled his eyes as he stood up top

Draco smiled ever so slightly.

“It's nice to see you again, Harry.” He said using the other's first name

“You too… Draco.” The dark headed guy

Draco hesitated before leaning in to kiss Harry. His lips were soft and gentle. As his hands cupped the dark headed man's cheeks. Harry kissed back slowly and languidly. Other than Ginny, it was probably the best kiss he's ever had if he was going to rank all his kisses. When they parted, they looked at each other in slight shock. Draco composed himself and cleared his throat.

“Good night, Mr. Potter.” The blonde said and walked away

“Happy Valentine's Day Draco.” Harry said as he was left behind in the corridor

He knew it hurt Draco to do that. To turn and walk away from what they could possibly be on a day meant to be for love. Harry could see it in his face before he turned away. He has a lot to think about, but at the front of his mind is the fact that his son likes another boy. He remembered what Ginny said. “The world is different these days.” That much was true, but Harry still worried about his boy. There's people out there who aren't so kind. Then again, who would dare mess with the son of Harry Potter and the son of Draco Malfoy? Surely, they would know better than to test either one of them.



Um they're definitely gonna sleep with each other at least once. Thank you so much for reading! Give Kudos and sub for more content 😊.

Love Potion. - RandomFandoms65000 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.